What is Tithing?

The tithe is an act of worship. It is in the form of a tenth of our income that we give to house of the Lord for the support of His kingdom ministry (Mal 3:8-9). The first mention of tithing as an act of worship is in Gen 14:18 – 20 where Abraham gave a tithe to Melchizedek the priest of the Most High. The Law of Moses establishes the giving of the tithe in Lev 27:30-32 for the supporting of the system of worship.

In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus mentions the tithe as something that we should continue along with the other important duties of the law such as justice, mercy and faithfulness, love and charity to the needy brothers and sisters (Matt 23:23; 25:34-36). The Apostle Paul further mentions that our attitude towards giving should be cheerful and generous (2 Cor 9:6-13).

With the tithes and offerings, the church is able to be God’s hands extended to our community.

Give using E-Transfer

We now welcome e-transfers as an option if you cannot bring your offering in person.

Please enter etransfer@yorklbc.org as the recipient.

Also ensure to write in the Notes/Comments section where you would like your tithing to go towards:

General Fund
Building Fund

If left blank, the offering will go to General Fund by default. Additionally, please write down your offering number (if applicable) and mailing address if you would like a donation statement for tax purposes. At year end, if your annual (January to December) donation exceeds $20.00, Logos Baptist Church (York Region) will send you a year-end giving statement to your mailing address, for your tax records.

*Note: Charges may be applied to your bank account, depending on your financial institution and your type of account

Canadian Charity Registration no.: 851021105RR0001